About Wandermate

Your partner to sell in China

No need to take unnecessary risks or do expensive tests. Selling in China is a delicate process and can be very costly in time and money. Let us accompany you in this process, guiding you and facilitating your journey to the East

We are your faithful travel companions.

We help you to sell in China online (B2C) and offline (B2B).

Let us tell you about a Journey to the West …

The legend tells the story of a Buddhist monk who went on an incredible adventure accompanied by his faithful friend, the monkey Sun Wukong. His mission was to recover some sacred texts lost in India.

However, the road to the West was very dangerous. PTherefore, Sun Wukong’s mission was to guide and protect the monk to ensure that the adventure was a success.

Together, Sun Wukong and Monk Tang passed 81 trials, each more difficult, until they finally reached India.

The Monk and the monkey were prepared to take on their last battle. Their trust in each other had made them stronger than ever. Finally, with big efforts and not giving up, they managed to recover the texts.

The Journey to the West of Monk Tang and Monkey Sun Wukong is part of the Eastern tradition and has become one of the most famous legends in China.

Now you are about to embark on the similar journey to that of Monk Tang, but this time from the West to the East. And we want to be your faithful companion, like Sun Wukong.

At Wandermate we are inspired by the legend of the Monkey King so that, together, we can fulfill your mission: expanding your business by establishing your brand in China.

We are one more department in your team. Our goal is successfully, building together a bridge between the West and China.

Foreign brands that have settled in China have discovered a market of millions of potential consumers.

Although there are already many Western brands that have dared to make the leap, the Chinese market is eager to discover new products.

At Wandermate we don’t want you to miss out the opportunity to expand into a market with such high demand, and we don’t want others to get ahead of you.

For this reason, our mission is to bring your brand to China so that you conquer oriental consumers with your products.


We are your Export department for China. We are part of your team.

We are your partner in China. We share the risk of this project with you. Our benefit comes from the sales obtained.

We will handle all the situations that may appear during our trip to the East.

We keep a fast and fluent communication from our offices in Spain and China.
Our mission is to guide you and take care of the entire process of exporting your brand to China. We help you to enter a market that grows every day but looks too hard to get from the West.
We prepare a unique plan to develop Western brands in China. We have managed to establish our customers in the Mandarin country thanks to our loyalty, commitment and persistence.

Meet our team

We are here to be your faithful travel companions. We will be your export department for the Chinese market. Together we will embark on the ambitious project of ensuring that your brand occupies a privileged place in the eastern market.


Founder of Wandermate. She is the heart and soul of the project.

Founder of Wandermate. She is the heart and soul of the project.
Her career is closely linked to the fashion and cosmetic sectors, as well as management with administrations.
With a clear commercial orientation, she ensures that the client is assisted at all times and that transparency reigns in communication with them.
Values such as effort, quality in everything that is done, communication and honesty are her imprint, which she leaves engraved on the team and is manifested in the work done by Wandermate.


Expert in international trade, he has dedicated his career to working with China.

With a career dedicated to international trade and more specifically to working with China, he is perfectly aware of the difficulties to which a Western company is exposed when selling in this country.
He has a totally result-oriented mindset and shares this attitude with all of the Wandermate members.
He has a total predisposition to accept challenges and meet them the best possible


More than 10 years working in the development of marketing strategies, copywriting, social networks and e-commerce operation.

More than 10 years working in the development of marketing strategies, copywriting, social networks and e-commerce operation.
The bridge that Wandermate builds is largely based on Asian staff knowing how to understand the Western brand and adapt what is really necessary to the Chinese market. A good team manager, her open-mindedness allows communication between East and West to be streamlined.
She does not hesitate to propose the changes that she considers opportune to the brands for a better integration in the Chinese ecosystem.

Do you want to know more?

Get in touch with us by phone call, by whatsapp, or send us an email.

Spain address:
C/Sabadell 19, 08233, Vacarisas,
Barcelona, Spain

China address:
4-301, Linjiang E-commerce Pioneer Park, Linjiang Street,
Qiantang New District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Tel: +34679896877
Whatsapp: +8618694515766
Email: c.adell@wandermate.es