B2C services

We help you selling online in China

We take your brand to the main Chinese marketplaces so that you can sell your products directly to the final consumer.

We know what you are wondering …

Selling in China?
Is that possible?

We are used to see Chinese products on our shelves, never the other way around. But the rules of the game have long changed.

There are more and more Chinese consumers who demand products from other countries, looking for the quality that theirs do not have.

You can sell in China and conquer a market that, until now, was hermetic.

And at Wandermate we make it easy for you: we are able to export your brand to China thanks to our knowledge of the country, its culture, its bureaucracy, its economy and its consumer trends.

Tell us about your brand and what you want to achieve without compromise. We will tell you what is the optimal route to introduce and consolidate your brand in the Chinese market.

We also started from scratch in China

“China is the world’s factory, there is no business there” this is what they told us over and over again. But we knew that those who continue to think this way are years behind. China has ceased to be the world’s factory to become a world power.

When we settled in China things were not easy. There were many barriers. Yet we persist. And today we can say that the effort was worth it.

Thanks to our work we have helped Spanish brands to export their products to China. If you are looking for conquering their e-commerce platforms, be a recognized company and, ultimately, be among the western brands that can say “I sell in China”, we can help you. Why don’t you let us accompany you?

Services to help your brand selling in China

We will use all available tools to make your products reach the Chinese final consumer.


We carry out the online and offline marketing of your business so that you can build a solid brand identity in China.



Remodeling of the corporate identity of your brand to adapt it to the taste of the Chinese consumer. Because what works in West does not have to work in other cultures.

Development of social media strategies in China.

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Twitter are not the most popular social networks in the Mandarin country. We will take care of growing your community in the main Chinese social media.

Relationship with influences, KOL’s and celebrities.

KOL is the name given to influencers in China. We will look for KOL’s that have an audience similar to yours to establish long-term relationships and create sales campaigns.
Advertising in the social and other media like television, radio and newspapers in the country.


We will work at Baidu to position your brand in the most used search engine in China. We also create paid advertisements to make your growth more agile and faster.


We take care of organizing everything you need to make your business work.



Selection of depots where we position your goods before customs to store your merchandise before importation.

Inventory management

Controlling its evolution, transfers between platforms, repacking, etc.


Transfer of goods from the company's warehouse to the customs warehouse in China and movement of merchandise between warehouses.

Last Mile

Pick & packing, customs and last mile delivery.


Bureaucratic processes in China can be delayed forever if you don’t understand the language or the administrative framework. We take away the paperwork to take care of a process that we are already used to.



Trademark registration in China, an essential first step if you plan to sell in China at some point


Translation of contracts and documentation management: warehouse, ecommerce platform, social network, Baidu, KOL’s, etc.


Chinese e-commerce platforms are unknown to the Spanish market. Therefore, we take care of the comprehensive management of your store in China.


Competitor analysis


Establishing the store's promotional plan, monitoring and updating


Creation of the brand page in the main social networks and content creation


Creation and operation and design of the store on the selected platforms


Incubation program

Aimed at brands that are willing to share the same store with other brands in the same sector.

Report of sales achieved and brand development

Our services will be based on the goals you want to achieve. Choose the one that best suits your business and possibilities.



Building brand awareness by selecting the most suitable channels for it and generating the first sales.


We are active in social media that allow us to share content and interact with our followers.


Having reached a certain popularity, we negotiate selling our products through existing stores selling related products.


For brands that have reached a certain maturity, the aim is to achieve the greatest possible presence in social networks and e-commerce platforms.

Why rely on Wandermate?

Being your partner in this journey, we take care your trip to the East runs safely.

We design a tailor-made project for each brand and look after its interests.

Our budgets are adjusted to the maximum because our benefit is based on getting real sales in China. We are so confident in our work that we only work to success.

We believe in honesty, communication, hard work and a well done job. We establish bonds of trust that allow us to work with total transparency.

Do you want more information?

Fill in our form and we will call you or send you an email answering all your questions